242: From the Fierce Fight for Medical Freedom to Thriving Off-Grid with Talia Likeitis


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In today’s episode, Dr. Stanton Hom welcomes Talia Likeitis, a prominent California medical freedom activist turned homesteader. In this powerful episode, Talia shares her remarkable journey from fighting vaccine mandates in California to establishing a 160-acre homestead off grid in Middle America. She discusses her family’s transition to self-sufficiency, the importance of natural healing, and how they’ve created Noble Task Homestead – a testament to resilience, faith, and reconnecting with nature’s abundant resources.


About Talia Likeitis:

Talia Likeitis has been a medical freedom advocate since 2011. She left CA in 2016 after the “burn out” of advocating, and since 2020 has been homesteading with her family in pursuit of a more self-sufficient life in middle America. Talia & her husband Jeff spend most of their days sharing the many failures and trials of gaining back the multi-generational skillsets that were not taught to them, with the hopes that many of these skillsets are passed on to their children. The goal is to have less dependence on the system and more dependence on God as He provides in abundance if we just take the time to stop with the busyness of life and notice. 


Connect with Talia:





website: nobletaskhomestead.com 



“The only decisions I’ve ever regretted in my life were the decisions based on fear.”


“Wherever I’m placed or planted, I don’t think there’s any coincidences.”


“The real luxury in life is being left alone and having that privacy.”


“If you just work at getting a little bit better every day, focusing on a new skill, you don’t even have the time to worry about that kind of stuff.”


“God is listening to these prayers, and he will open these doors for people.”



00:00 Introduction

06:48 The Seed of Vaccine Awareness

13:29 The Silent Epidemic of Childhood Development

22:18 Building Noble Task Homestead

30:42 Land as a Source of Abundance

45:08 Overcoming Bitterness and Finding Gratitude

56:34 Envisioning a Self-Sufficient Future

1:08:02 Personal Transformation and Growth

1:13:00 Challenges of Living in California

1:17:30 Reflections on Freedom and Faith




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Learn more about Dr. Stanton Hom on:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drstantonhom 

Website: https://futuregenerationssd.com/   

Podcast Website: https://thefuturegen.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/drstantonhom 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stanhomdc 


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