136: Lo C: Post-2020 Flex: Holding Corporatocracies Accountable
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This week, Dr. Stan hosts Lo Elizabeth, a Well-Being Coach and Leader, who was unlawfully terminated from her role at Kaiser Permanente for not getting the shot. Lo shares how her world was turned upside down when her employer failed to honor her religious accommodation. Despite the adversity and discrimination she faced, Lo found a new purpose, and is currently pursuing legal remedies to correct the injustices she has faced. You won’t want to miss this inspirational discussion about leaning into your purpose and the importance of preserving sovereignty.
If you are inspired by Lo and her story, please visit StandFirm.org to see how you can get involved.
For the full episode, click on the link in the bio @futuregenpodcast.
Lo Elizabeth
Founder, Coaches for Freedom
Well-Being Coach, Mentor, Trainer, & Consultant; MA, NBC-HWC, RYT, PCC(ip), member of MINT
Lo Elizabeth is a Board-certified Well-Being Coach & Leader who was employed for 8 years with Kaiser Permanente at their top wellness coaching department. At the start of 2022, while in a leadership position Lo was discriminated against and unlawfully terminated amidst the injection mandates. Despite already being a remote worker even ‘pre-Rona’, she was not given any option for accommodation and subsequently became the only one in the department to be denied an exemption and illegally terminated. Since then, she has been initiating grassroots community-building efforts amongst the hundreds of other illegally fired healthcare workers, while also taking actions to seek legal remedies. Lo is a single-independent mother, an Ordained Non-denominational Minister, and has a Master’s degree in Holistic Health Education specialized in Somatic Psychology. With more than two decades of professional Coaching, health education, and medical advocacy experience, she has been mind blown and quite concerned about the incongruencies happening, especially in the “holistic” Coaching field where sovereignty is a foundational ethical principle. This has called her to found Coaches for Freedom, an initiative whose mission is to bring forward Coaches, Counselors, and Well-being practitioners who align with and stand for health freedom of body, mind, spirit, and Soul. Lo also hosts the Being Well-Beings podcast intended to focus on both stories and solutions in the well-being realm for both bridging while building a parallel path forward.
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- Website: Future Generations | Clinic of Chiropractic
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