Episode 063: Eyla Cuenca: Uncovering True Self-Worth as a foundation for True Freedom

In this episode, Eyla Cuenca highlights how healing humanity lies in the process of healing from our own birthing experiences. As a birth guide, she brings to the birthing mothers a depth of empowerment, healing and transformation that is so foreign in our modern birthing world. She takes a powerful stand for “normal physiological birth” that everyone must know the true definition of if we want to save humanity. 

Eyla Cuenca has lived and traveled throughout the United States and several countries, accumulating knowledge and expertise in her field that spans over a decade. Her work strives to connect women, parents, and children through the scope of conception, birth and parenting. As a Birth Guide, she draws on a blend of ancient traditions and evidence-based information to bring custom tailored support to every individual no matter where they are in their process.

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